Phil Simondet, communication designer
Wired home page with targeted ad, shown on a laptop monitor

ABM Google Ads

  • Ad Design
  • Copywriting
  • Illustration
  • Motion Graphics

As part of account-based marketing efforts, I developed a series of dynamic, targeted ads for several campaigns. For each campaign, I was a part of a sprint team that conducted market research and interviewed industry insiders. We then developed a target persona and ad copy based off of the data we collected. As the designer, I then designed original illustrations and ad layouts targeting the persona. For one example, I created an eye-catching motion ad targeting enterprise users of a specific CRM. For another, I illustrated static isometric visuals around a hot industry topic: "digital finance branches," which was also used in paid social ads and landing pages.

One ABM ad set I designed generated 8 Fortune 1000 leads in less than 2 months. Another ad campaign had over 80,000 views and engagement 2.5 times the industry average.

ABM Ad design with motion component showing widgets appear over a CRM logo
ABM Google ads featuring finance-specific illustration, shown in various layouts